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Advertise with StayWatch

Get your product or service featured in front of 20,000+ travelers looking for unique vacation rentals sometime in the next year, or in front of thousands of hospitality entrepreneurs who listen to the Behind the Stays podcast every week.

Advertise in Emails

Subscribers use StayWatch to get notified of the best deals on stays across Airbnb, Vrbo, and Get your product or service featured in front of 20,000+ travelers looking for unique vacation rentals sometime in the next year.

A circular map illustration showing the street layout of a city with blue lines on a white background.

Starting at $500

Geo-Specific Subscriptions

Buy a 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month subscription and get featured in every email sent to subscribers tracking a specific location (like San Diego, Paris, or Bali).  

Want to target folks looking for a trip to Orlando in the winter and Maine in the summer?  We got you!

A tablet displaying an advertisement template with a placeholder for a logo at the top, a headline, and several text and image sections below.

Starting at $1,000

Email Offer Campaigns

Want to send an email — or three — to our entire list of savvy travelers? Let’s work together on a custom partnership campaign that integrates your brand with ours and presents an exciting offer that motivates our subscribers to become your customers.

Advertise on Behind the Stays

Behind the Stays is StayWatch’s podcast which brings listeners the stories behind the world’s most incredible Airbnbs, boutique hotels, and hospitality brands and the people who created them. Thousands of hospitality entrepreneurs tune into the show each week — and the show has more than 200,000 total streams.

A person wearing headphones and a blue plaid shirt speaks into a microphone, sitting at a desk with audio equipment.

Starting at $1,500

Podcast Advertising Packages

Get in front of thousands of incredible entrepreneurs building top-rated Airbnb co-hosting businesses, professionally managed vacation rental management businesses, boutique hotels, micro-resorts, and more. 

A camera on a tripod captures video footage of a person on its display screen.

Starting at $2,000

YouTube Advertising Packages

Once a month, StayWatch publishes a professionally produced video featuring the story of an up-and-coming hospitality entrepreneur building a truly unique business. Thousands of entrepreneurs looking to build unique stays watch these videos within the first week of their publishing. 

Looking for something more custom?

We regularly partner with top-rated hospitality brands on native content campaigns, co-branded podcast series, and more. Have an idea for a unique partnership campaign? Pitch it to us!